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Thursday, March 17 2022
BGE Home Energy Audit Review: Is it Even Worth It?

We all get them.  We all stopped looking at them.  But, every once in a while it pops up in an email and you see your score.  Its never good.  You ask yourself - what else can I do?  You are energy conscious.  You consistently review your energy usage habits.

Learn the true focal point of how to save energy and avoid choosing the wrong solution to the problem.

Saturday, January 29 2022
Foxridge Attic Insulation All Wrong in Randallstown MD

This townhouse in Randallstown MD has a major insulation problem in the attic that was discovered during a BGE home energy audit. High ceilings and insulation techniques that are complicated to execute properly were the cause. Check out exactly what this builder did wrong and how to get it fixed...

Sunday, October 17 2021
Bathroom Fan Venting Tips & Guidance

Written by Eric Gans - Owner, Energy Auditor & Maryland Homeowner
Did you know that your bathroom exhaust fan is basically a pathway from inside your house to the outside?  If it is not managed properly it can become a source of problems ranging from fogged mirrors and high indoor humidity in the summer to a drafty house in winter.  

Wednesday, October 06 2021
The Truth About Drafty Windows

Written by Eric Gans - Owner, Energy Auditor & Maryland Homeowner
FACT: The drafts that you feel around your home on a cold winter day have very little, if anything, to do with the windows.

And, despite this provable fact, thousands and thousands of Maryland homeowners are replacing windows in advance of the cold weather.  

But, I have news for you.  Getting your windows replaced will not solve your drafty house problem.  There is a reason that there are thousands searching online each day for answers to "why are my new windows still drafty?".

Monday, October 04 2021
Just Bought a House? 5 Reasons to Get a $100 Energy Audit

Written by Eric Gans - Owner, Energy Auditor & Maryland Homeowner

If you just bought a home - congrats!

Chances are very high that you got a home inspection during the process and it has a list of things you need to do to keep it up to "code".

But, I am willing to bet that the list is missing many important things that can make your home super cozy and more energy efficient.

Thursday, September 09 2021
5 Unobvious Things You Can Do for a Cozier Home

Written by Eric Gans - Owner, Energy Auditor & Maryland Homeowner
As an energy auditor there is a lot of repetition to what I do. I see the same issues over and over again. 

This is great for homeowners that need help finding ways to improve comfort around their home. 

Start 2022 off using these 5 things you can do to make it more cozy in the winter and comfortable in summer.

Sunday, September 05 2021
How to Cut Home Drafts 30% Without Replacing Windows

Written by Eric Gans - Owner, Energy Auditor & Maryland Homeowner
Did you know that when you participate in a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® project that the results are actually measurable?

Learn how getting an energy audit through the program uses a special air leakage test to determine where your home leaks the most!

Thursday, August 12 2021
When is the Best Time to Replace My HVAC?

Energy auditor and window specials

Written by Eric Gans

I have over 1500 energy audits under my belt in Maryland.  I like to take my personal experiences with each of my audit customers and try to get the things that concern them out into the world so others can make good home improvement decisions - in the right order - according to their needs.



There is no doubt that the very best time to replace your HVAC is after you air seal and insulate your attic.

That's right!

For starters, BGE and Pepco will give you higher incentives to replace old equipment with new equipment, if you have properly tightened up your home's envelope

It is also common after a well managed insulation project to hear Maryland utility customers report that their old furnace seemed to be working much better and the AC finally shuts off for periods of time on those hot summer days.

If this does not quite make sense to you then please continue to read so you can easily understand how important proper insulation is for your comfort and overall energy efficiency.

Additionally, you can get a home energy assessment through your Maryland utility and an auditor from Hometrust can come to your home and talk to you about how this works.

Three Reasons to Get a Home Energy Audit

There are three reasons to get a home energy audit before your replace your HVAC system and each will help you understand why sealing and insulation need to come first.

Number 1: HVAC Units are Very Simple Machines

Just because your unit looks bad does not mean it is not working properly.  Don't let your HVAC sales rep scare you into judging a book by its cover.  It is more important to pass judgement on how the air feels coming out on the inside of your home. 

HVAC components are simple machines that are built to run and run.  Unless your unit is not producing warm or cool air when called upon to do so, replacing HVAC is not the answer to a more comfortable home or saving energy in big ways.

The key to comfort is tightening up your "envelope".  An energy auditor will talk to you about how to keep more of the air that you are paying for inside of your home.  That is the end game.  The HVAC runs less, lasts longer, costs less to operate and in the meantime - you gain comfort.  That is a recipe for success.

Number 2: Who Would Put a New Engine in a Boat with a Leak?

It would be great if your friend bought a new motor for his boat. But, if you found out that he put the new motor in a boat that had several places it leaked, it would be odd.   It would make much more sense to use the funds to fix the leak first, right?

You get the point here.  Why purchase a new HVAC system if your house is poorly insulated?  Worse, why install a new high efficiency HVAC system with leaky ducts? 

If the pathway that the air takes with a new HVAC system is the same as it is taking with the existing system, then not much will change with overall comfort and efficiency gains will be nominal.

A BGE or Pepco energy audit will uncover any issues and provide cost-effective solutions to get the most out of your HVAC before making any decision.


Number 3: The Audit Unlocks Higher BGE Rebates

Create a smart plan that taps into the resources that are available to you through BGE and Pepco!  And, don't feel pressure to make any quick decisions.

Rushing to get an HVAC unit replaced is never a good idea.  With a good maintenance routine and a comprehensive home energy audit this nightmare scenario can easily be avoided.

As energy auditors we perform tests and collect information around your individual home and prepare a report that models energy usage and future usage if the recommended upgrades are made. 

When the air sealing and insulation is in place, the efficiency of the new HVAC reaches it's full potential and as a result the modeling software recognizes this and increases rebates associated with the savings - so generally, the higher the rebate - the higher the savings!

Before Purchasing New HVAC in Maryland

Learn about the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®  Program
It is what every Maryland homeowner should know about purchasing new HVAC.

What the HVAC Companies Don't Tell You

In my opinion HVAC sales reps have a great job. 

Let's face it, when human beings don't feel comfortable - we panic.  As soon as something goes wrong with the thermostat the calculator comes out to see how much is in the finances to replace the furnace.  The thought of being without heat shakes people to the core.  If there is too much humidity in the house on a hot summer day it can be unsettling.

What often times gets missed is finding the true source of the issue.  Is it a slight malfunction?  Does the thermostat just need a battery replaced?  Could there be a connection to the outside that has gotten worse causing a temperature variance inside your home?  Believe this one or not, but sometimes our bodies change.  We simply become more sensitive to the temperature, especially in the "comfort" of our own home.

Law of Diminishing Returns

A good example of the law of diminishing returns can be taken from a new HVAC installation. 

Too many times I see homeowners that are strongly considering replacing their 15 year old HVAC system. 

There is absolutely no doubt that technology has advanced over the last fifteen years and in HVAC there is no difference.  But, you simply will not recoup your expense in a reasonable time - if ever - when you replace a unit that is only 15 years old. 

And, you can be sure you will never do it if you have not properly sealed the attic and insulated the areas around the house that matter most.

When Replacing HVAC Does Make Sense

Finding the true source to a comfort issue requires a specialized firm that can look at a house as a complete system of many separate parts - all of which need to work well with one another in order to give back to those that inhabit the space. 

A bad feeling an energy auditor gets is when they are learning that the reason that the homeowner wants the audit is to figure out why replacing the HVAC last winter did not help with the bill or with comfort.  It is a common pitfall for many.

The idea is to learn those reasons before you replace the HVAC - then the dynamics shift - on a few different fronts including the likely possiblity that you do not have to replace the system at all.

But, if replacement is necessary, by solving the bigger issues and tightening the envelope around your home first, you can maximize HVAC rebates through the BGE & Pepco Smart Energy Saver Rebates program.  Doing so will make your return on investment much greater and the initial costs much lower and you will actually be on the path to a more comfortable and more efficient home.

Tuesday, August 10 2021
100 Reasons to Get a $100 Maryland Home Energy Audit

Energy auditor and window specials

Written by Eric Gans

I have over 1500 energy audits under my belt in Maryland.  I like to take my personal experiences with each of my audit customers and try to get the things that concern them out into the world so others can make good home improvement decisions - in the right order - according to their needs.


It does not surprise me that with some thought, I was able to come up with 100 reasons why you should get a Maryland home energy audit through BGE or Pepco. 

Each reason is worth $1.  Seems like a very good value when you look at it like this...

There are probably hundreds more that are not listed.  I have broken it down into ten categories.  

Health & Safety

A home energy audit tests several key health and safety elements around a home that need to be monitored from time to time just to be sure everything is working right.

    1. Foundation Inspection
    2. Combustion Analytics
    3. Spillage Testing
    4. Natural/Propane Gas Leakage Testing
    5. Mold/Mildew Inspection
    6. CO Monitoring/Detection
    7. Combustion Zone Safety Inspection
    8. Smoke Detector Assessment
    9. Flue/Chimney Inspection
    10. General Electrical - Visual

More Comfortable Home

Most people think they have to live with a hot upstairs in summer or drafts in the winter, but maybe you don't.

    1. Attic Ventilation Evaluation
    2. Indoor Air Quality
    3. Humidity Mitigation
    4. Draft Mitigation
    5. Window/Door Assessment
    6. Overall Insulation Assessment
    7. Overall Air Barrier Assessment
    8. HVAC General Evaluation
    9. Exhaust Fan Evaluation
    10. Temperature Variance Control Methods

Save Money

Using less energy = $ savings and you get more comfort in return.  There is a win/win for ya!

    1. Understand Where You Lose Energy
    2. Find New and Unknown Leakage Points
    3. Focus Efforts on Correct Things
    4. Get a Report Detailing Usage
    5. Hot Water Temperature Reading
    6. Immediate Energy Saving Installs @ Audit
    7. Thermostat Recommendations
    8. Thermal Imaging to Pinpoint Issues
    9. General Advice on What Actually Works
    10. Avoid Spending on Wrong Solutions

Create a Home Improvement Priority List

There is no worse sinking feeling then when someone tells you that you should have done that first and you know you gotta do what you already did again.

    1. Identify Areas in Need of Attention
    2. Begin to See Your Home in Three Dimensions
    3. Learn About the Highest Impact Project for You
    4. Whole House Approach
    5. Easy Do it Yourself Project Tips
    6. Avoid Doing Projects Out of Order
    7. Avoid Common Home Improvement Pitfalls
    8. Unbiased Recommendations
    9. Material Condition Summary
    10. Unbiased Roof Evaluation

Home Improvement Education

An old cliche: Knowledge is Power

    1. Building Science Principles
    2. Proven Examples of Success
    3. Testing with an Element of Your Participation
    4. How Physic Plays a Role
    5. Learn the Basics About What is Most Impactful
    6. Take the Knowledge with You
    7. Ask Questions About Your Home
    8. Reorganize Priorities
    9. Learn from Other Homeowners
    10. Comprehensive Reporting Package

Contribution to Sustainable Future

A typical HVAC machine in our area runs for about 20 years.  With less usage the life span easily goes up to 30.

    1. Slow Climate Change
    2. Do Your Part!
    3. Structural Sustainability
    4. Better Indoor Air Quality – Better Health
    5. Less HVAC Usage = Longer Machine Life
    6. Teach Others what You Learn
    7. Longer lasting HVAC equipment
    8. Money Savings
    9. Use Less Energy
    10. Better Resale Value

A Different Home Improvement Experience

Working within the BGE/Pepco program gives the homeowner and the energy contractor a clear way to interact that leads to successful results.

    1. Not a Sales Call
    2. No Pressure
    3. Unbiased Information
    4. Work with a Contractor who is on Your Side
    5. Third Party Verification
    6. Quality Control Levers
    7. Confidence in Certifications
    8. A Comprehensive Service
    9. No Sales Gimmicks
    10. Measured Projects Mean Managed Projects

Unlock Rebates

Take advantage of rebates that are driven by how much energy you can save.

    1. Higher Incentives for Doing it Right!
    2. Get Higher Return on Investment Ratios
    3. Get Guidance on AC Efficiency Ratings
    4. Learn which Furnace Rating is Right for You
    5. Get Guidance on the Best Water Heaters to Buy
    6. Learn About Rebates for Energy Efficient Windows
    7. Determine if thermostat rebates will make sense
    8. Special Increased Incentive periods
    9. Determine the Simple Payback (Years)
    10. Learn About Door Replacement Incentives

Feel Empowered

Make confident decisions when it comes to other projects around the home knowing which will and which won't actually save you energy.

    1. Make Home Project Decisions from a Place of Knowledge
    2. Use the Knowledge Gained to Solve Issues Around Your Home
    3. Know the Projects Around Your Home that Are and Are not Feasible
    4. Value from auditor insights (we see stuff every day)
    5. Less Likely to be Taken Advantage of by Contractors
    6. Know Exactly where Your Home’s Performance Stands – Snapshot!
    7. Blower Door Test Uncovers Real Leakage Areas for Treatment
    8. Rule Theories In or Out
    9. Understand the Science Behind the Solutions
    10. Know what Issues Exist so you can do a Little at a Time

Attic and Crawl Inspection

There are not too many people that like to go into an attic or crawl space and it is an energy auditors job to do so.

    1. Professional Assessment
    2. Discover Deficiencies
    3. Moisture Evaluation in “dark places”
    4. Pest Evaluation
    5. Ventilation Evaluation
    6. Roof Sheathing Inspection
    7. Structural Inspection
    8. Electrical Inspection
    9. Insulation Inspection
    10. Duct inspection
Monday, July 26 2021
Treating My Own Leishear Village Crawl Space

Hello neighbors.  If your house has a crawl space or you happen to live in Leishear Village (Maryland) then the information in this post might be of use to you.

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Every morning my task is to walk our two dogs.  The foyer is a perfect place to get set for the walk.  The dogs can sit and stay while I get ready and leashes, jackets, poop bags and shoes are all in the area.

Now I am not sure about you, but it takes me a minute to warm up on a cold morning and unfortunately the foyer is very cold!  It is much colder than the other parts of the house.

This is because the foyers in most of the same model homes in Leishear Village are built on mini-crawl spaces.  Interestingly, I was speaking to my neighbor who says he has been in the house since it was built in the 80s and he did not realize this fact.

Crawl space designs in the 80s had a few flaws.  For starters, the large vent in the crawl space that most people have come to rely on is actually the biggest source of the problem. 

To fully understand you have first know that insulation (batt, blown) does  not stop the flow of air.  It is not designed to stop air flow.  It stops the transfer of heat. Most insualation must have some sort of air barrier for it to work best.


So, a crawl space vent is allowing cold air infiltration in the winter that can migrate right up through your walls, through insulation and into your home.  

In summer, we are always trying to rid our homes of the Maryland humidity.  An open air vent to a space beneath your living space with only fiberglass insulation is a recipe for uncomfortable indoor conditions and higher energy bills.

So, when we decided to get our foyer floor replaced I thought it would be a great chance to open up the sub-floor and get into the space and see what is going on down there and it turns out…a lot!

Crawl spaces create lots of issues around a home so any chance to properly encapsulate it is a good idea.  Past research has shown that a conventionally vented crawl space that has been converted into an unvented and conditioned space tends to operate similarly to houses with basements, with several benefits for the homeowner: • Energy savings • Comfort • Moisture control • Long-term durability • Healthier air quality. 


How to treat a crawl space in 2020…


1st a properly sealed vapor barrier must be installed at the crawl floor.  In a small space like this one it is easy to make the vapor barrier seamless, but in larger crawl spaces great care must be given to sealing any seam.

A crawl space is responsible for a large amount of humidity that enters a home.  Not only does the vent on the side of the crawl space allow moist air in on a hot humid day, but the ground also produces moisture that must be contained.  That is why a thick plastic vapor barrier that is properly sealed is key to keeping any moisture from the ground below the plastic so it does not migrate into your home.



When I decided to crack open the spray foam “Froth” Pak and start spraying I did not think to record the process.  If you have not seen the spray foam kit used in person or on a video as I have, then it might be too difficult to simply use right out of the box. 

One key to success I found is that I had to move quickly.  I knew where I wanted to apply the foam from seeing the work done in the field.  I do believe anyone can do this project on their own with a little time studying first.

Also, I do highly recommend that you invest in a paper type body suit or wear old clothes, goggles, mask and gloves.  It is quite messy.

If you are familiar with the product by watching it in action on video and knowing the space you want to treat, then it was a neat experience and can be somewhat satisfying to watch the foam expand and fill in the cracks and crevices.  It dries quickly which is another reason you must move fast.  At one point I took a small break and the nozzle got stuck and the foam would not come out because the foam dried up at the tip.

Here is the kit in action on another job.


Once I was able to make sure the HVAC duct was sealed it was time to get in there and do the work.  Here is the end result.


Doing the job myself was a little more difficult than I had imagined for two reasons.

First, the area was tight and there was spot above the bathroom exhaust that was very difficult to properly seal due to accessibility. 

Also, without a lot of experience using the spray foam kit I think I might have rushed things in a few spots and although I am confident I sealed all of the holes to the outside, I wonder if I missed a few spots to run the foam again to get the right R-Value. 

Overall, I am happy and I look forward to taking a few thermal images once the cold weather sets in again.


Udate: August 10, 2021

When I arrived at my first destination today and got out of my air conditioned car my sunglasses fogged up on me. 

The point is that it is very hot and humid today and I am working mostly from home. I have had to push my thermostat up a degree from where it was prior to the work being done because I keep getting cold. 

I think that the encapsulation is really cutting down humidity which is a key ingredient to comfort issues in summer.

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    Proudly working in BGE & Pepco's Home Performance w/ ENERGY STAR program in Maryland to deliver whole-house energy savings to improve comfort & help protect the environment.
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    "Energy auditors visit residential buildings and talk to owners and residents.  They inspect, test, and measure to decide what energy-efficient retrofits are practical and cost-effective." Residential Energy