Residential Comfort & Energy EfficiencyTuesday, April 13 2021
Look to building science and having a proper assessment performed to help you make the right improvement choices for home comfort in the hot summer months. A new HVAC system is likely not the right solution for a cooler home when it is blazing outside! Healthy Attic vs. Unhealthy Attic When an attic is not properly vented, air sealed and insulated the stagnant hot air and pressure is too much for an old insulation system making summer days at home a drag. Add leaky ducts to the situation and it makes for a long, hot summer. Watch how this BPI Certified Pro and Owner of Insulwise in PA
Consider this: There are five things we recommend to make an impact on your summer comfort.
1. Air Sealing Your Attic
The easiest way to know is to determine if you have air sealing in your attic now. If not, then you definitely need air sealing. When the hot build up of air in the attic creates pressure then the cracks that are left unsealed are gateways for the heat to enter your home. If you want to learn much more about air sealing and watch how it is done in different areas of your attic and basement then check out this cool article with demos... 2. Insulate Your AtticIf you are having comfort issues in your home there is no doubt that a good place to start looking for answers is in the attic. Maryland attic insulation projects can be better understood and considered with a little effort and knowledge. To get things going you must identify two main things so use this recent write up as a guide to figuring out if insulation is your next move to beat the Maryland summer heat!
3. Seal Your Accessible Ducts
According to the EPA and other studies, the HVAC ducts in your home can be leaky enough to account for up to as much as 30% of a household's total energy loss. So, what can you do? Check out this article with great information on next steps you can take to seal your accessible ducts.
4. Encapsulate Your Crawl Space
But, it keeps reminding you it’s there. In the summer when you go down to wash the laundry and you get a whiff of that musty odor that only comes out when it is humid. A few years ago you poked your head in the crawl space for one reason or another and you noticed several pieces of insulation falling down. Read this article on what to do with crawl space vents, walls and how to properly seal it up!
5. Improve Attic Ventilation
In hot months a leaking AC HVAC duct in an attic and other HVAC related inefficiency can allow air to seep out and interact with the hot humid attic air, particularly if the attic is not well vented. This will cause mold and can result in comfort issues. Read this article to get more insights into how baffles work to ventilate your attic.
What next steps can you take if this all makes sense to you, but you are not sure where to start?You should sign up for a home energy audit... Through BGE Here For only $100 through the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program - I am qualified to get all of the answers for you!