Vinyl Replacement Window Argon GasOnce an insulated glass unit (IGU) is sealed, the air in the unit that is trapped contains small amounts of moisture. This could be a major issue if all of the moisture is not removed. The solution to the issue is the use of a desiccant that is inserted into the unit during the process of filling the sealed glass package with Argon gas. Desiccant is a chemical you will find in shoes or clothing to keep them dry and free from dampness or moisture. Once the unit is dry, the argon gas can be injected into the IGU. As the Argon gas goes into the space, the tool that applies the gas also has a small tool that draws any remaining air out to make the insulated glass unit as energy efficient as possible. Argon gas is thicker than air and acts as a good insulator between the two panes of glass in a double hung window. Now the IGU is ready to be married with the vinyl sash and frame to complete the custom made vinyl replacement window. |
Argon gas tanks stanby ready to fill IGUs |