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Whole House Approach

Hometrust Remodeling takes the whole house approach to home improvements.  Our visit to your home includes several steps of investigation and testing to properly diagnose potential issues and recommend energy efficient improvements that will work.

Energy efficienty remodeling company

Learn more about our approach -

The whole house approach to remodeling is unique and requires a team that has a broad knowledge base about residential dwellings, how they are assembled and how all of the systems work together in order to keep the elements out, conditioned air in and the inhabitants healthy, safe and within a budget. 

If you are asking yourself questions such as:  If I replace my 15 year old HVAC will the room over the garage become more comfortable in the winter?   Or, Do I need an attic fan or to run it more to reduce my upstairs temperature and bills in the summer? 

Then, you might be a good candidate to consider having someone guide you through the whole house approach.  

The whole house approach is the smartest way to consider a home improvement project no matter what the motivation might be.  One example of the importance of taking the whole house approach can be taken from this common situation:  an addition that was put on the house in the past seems to have caused several undesirable effects. 

1. The energy bill has doubled.
2. The floor above the addition is very cold in the winter.
3. The new living space is very warm in the summer.
4. The addition is rarely used. 

To make matters worse, two years after the addition was put on, an HVAC company convinced the homeowner that HVAC replacement would solve the issue.  Unfortunately, it did not and it never would!

In this situation, if you cannot think of at least five possible reasons for this problem, besides the HVAC or windows, then the whole house approach is right for you. Getting an energy audit done before any major renovation is a wise choice.  The whole house approach will save you money.  It will educate you on how your home is a system of many parts all of which are subtly connected to one another and if not always directly, certainly indirectly.  

Here is another tip!  Nobody says windows and HVAC are not important.  There are countless benefits.  But, without proper investigation, testing and building science techniques the obvious and most expensive solution might not work and could make an issue worse.

Unfortunately, stories like this play out day after day, year after year.  Taking the whole house approach to remodeling will provide a road map to not only achieve the great joys of upgrading your home, but it will also leave you feeling satisfied because you did so in the most sound way, with the most relevant information (to your home!) and most importantly because your decision was informed and based on science and not emotion!

Contact us and get our free Home Efficiency Report

Building Performance Institute Certified
Building Performance Institute
Eric Gans
Building Analyst
Envelope Professional
BGE Approved Energy Contractor
Pepco Approved Energy Contractor

Helping You!

*Improve home comfort
Educate you about your home
*Find air leakage in your home
*Improve energy efficiency
*Use science for solutions
*Assess your building's shell
*Help prioritize improvements
*Find the root causes
*Assess insulation levels
*Measure indoor air quality
*Evaluate windows & doors
*Evaluate attic ventilation

The Big Secret About Replacement Windows 

Considering New Windows?

It took me 12 years
to figure this one out...


    Specialized Maryland Contractor


    • MHIC Licensed
    • Building Analyst Certified
    • Envelope Professional Certification
    • EPA Lead Renovator Certified
    • YouTube Learning Channel


    Our mission is to help Maryland homeowners create a more comfortable home and save energy. We achieve this by applying building science principles and modern air sealing and insulating techniques.

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    Services & Service Areas

    Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Carroll County, Charles County, Harford County, Howard County, Montgomery County, Prince George's County



    hometrust is an energy star partner

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    MHIC License #158968
    Approved BGE Energy Contractor
    Approved Pepco Energy Contractor


    MHIC 158968
    8345 Sperry Court
    Laurel, MD 20723


    Hometrust Remodeling

    Proudly working in BGE & Pepco's Home Performance w/ ENERGY STAR program in Maryland to deliver whole-house energy savings to improve comfort & help protect the environment.
    2024 Hometrust Remodeling | All Rights Reserved

    An Energy Auditor's Purpose 
    "Energy auditors visit residential buildings and talk to owners and residents.  They inspect, test, and measure to decide what energy-efficient retrofits are practical and cost-effective." Residential Energy